Appraisal Specializing
in Antique, Classic, and Custom automobile appraisals. |
Durham Consulting and Appraisals
offers a nationwide network of certified professionals
to help with your entire classic car appraisal needs
as well as total loss and diminished value appraisals
on your late model automobile. If you’re looking
for a professional auto appraiser, we can help. Durham
Consulting and Appraisals has experience with all
types of vehicles whether your car is a brass era,
antique, classic, 50’s collectible, high performance
muscle car, exotic, custom street rod, custom truck,
prototype, replica, or late model involved in a total
loss or diminished value claim. Insurance companies,
Canadian Government Agencies and Courts of Law recognize
Durham Consulting and Appraisals as automobile appraisal
and value experts. P.A.V.E. Member
Appraisal Fees
of Finance- M.V.A.R. Motor Vehicle Appraisal Record.
$75.00 |
IInspection, evaluation
and documentation of most special-interest automobiles. |
$195.00 |
Total loss or diminished value
claim, “after loss” insurance evaluation
report. |
$375.00 |
Motorcycle Appraisal
in Foreign & Domestic, Stock or Custom,
and Police Designated motorcycles. |
Our Motorcycle Appraisal Service offers
a complete and thorough evaluation of the motorcycles
varied custom features. Items such as a customized
or converted frame, custom paint design and application,
upgraded drive train, enhanced mechanical components,
unique seating features, and complete custom/ matching
accessories. Also conducted are various fact-finding
sessions and interviews to substantiate any evidence
presented. With the information gained, a fair current
market or actual cash value is assigned. Our expert-experienced
knowledge, along with an extensive catalog of components
and their respective values is referenced when establishing
the appraised value of your particular custom motorcycle.
A basic review of comparable "custom" bikes
is also performed and listed.
Appraisal Fees
Inspection, evaluation and documentation
of most special-interest motorcycles.........
> $ 195.00
Appraisal Vessel
craft of any description used or capable of being
used on the water |
Durham Consulting and Appraisals conduct
surveys on wood fiberglass, aluminum, and steel yachts,
which can be performed under water, at dockside, or
in dry dock. Our company is certified to perform pre-purchase
and finance surveys, insurance appraisals, full condition
and valuation surveys, maritime consulting and osmosis
analysis. We provide the most comprehensive, complete,
accurate and professional marine survey.
The price that a boat valued at is determined
by the following.
- Condition of the vessel. This
is how well the boat has held up. Is the interior
new or old, how well are the fabrics holding up?
Does the woodwork need finishing, what is the condition?
- How many hours are on the engine
and what is its condition?
- Does the hull have scratches
or gouges to its gelcoat?
- What about the hull under
the waterline, any collision damage, blistering,
or electrolysis?
All these items and many others factor into a vessels
condition. For vessel in poor condition 10% to 50%
may be subtracted from the book value. For vessels
in excellent condition 10% or more may be added.
Optional Equipment is another consideration. These
add to the appraised value of a boat. For example
some boats have been equipped with additional electronic
equipment and features; this naturally needs to be
taken into account when pricing a boat. Such items
as radar, global positioning systems, depth finders,
auto pilots, outriggers, anchor windlasses, radios,
hard tops just to name a few, will add to a boats
Book Value as determined by the BUC Research Guide,
The Blue Book, NADA, and the Power Boat Guide all
are consulted before pricing a vessel. By cross-referencing
these publications we can obtain an accurate value
for most vessels. Bank, finance companies and insurance
companies rely upon this value. We pride ourselves
on obtaining and accurate value on the vessel that
you purchase.
Boat value will also vary geographically by different
areas in a country and from country to country. The
same boat in the Northeast Atlantic, Great Lakes,
Northwest Pacific and the Southern United States will
not retail for the same price, and must be geographically
Appraisal Fees
Inspection, evaluation and documentation
of most marine vessels.. ..................
> from $ 125.00
$10 - 15 per ft
Heavy Equipment Appraisal |
Call for pricing
Charitable Donation
DC&A's certified appraisals document value for
tax-deductible donations to the non-profit of your
choice. Our fees for this service start at $250. Mileage
of 50 cents per km may apply. Ask about multi-car
and club discounts. If you would like to donate your
special interest vehicle to a non-profit, DC&A
can provide information on schools and museums that
are currently accepting donations.
Property Settlement
- Estate or Divorce
DC&A can provide an independent appraisal to help
you establish the true market value of automobiles
involved in estate or divorce settlements. Our fees
for this service start at $250. Mileage of 50 cents
per km may apply. Ask about multi-car and club discounts.
Accelerated Depreciation:
What is diminished value and how do I know when I
am entitled to it?
Diminution of value happens when a vehicle is wrecked
or damaged in an accident. The vehicle is then repaired
or restored back to a roadworthy condition. The insurance
company agrees to pay for the repairs. You have your
car back, but it’s just not the same.
To help you see what has happened to your car’s
value, let’s take a trip to the local car dealership.
You’ve decided you may want to buy a car. You
know what make and model you’re looking for
and you find two of them sitting on the dealer's lot.
You start to compare options, mileage and features
and find they are practically identical. As the sales
person explains the features available on each car,
you learn that one of the two cars was involved in
an accident requiring substantial repairs. You are
told that you can be assured that it is now good as
new. But can you? Would you be willing to pay the
same amount for a car that has been repaired?
In a recent 2007 Canadian study, 43% of the people
surveyed would not buy a car that was in an accident.
42% said they would buy a car that has been in an
accident but only if it was being sold for a large
So what does that say about your car? Is it worth
as much now that its been repaired as it was prior
to the accident damage? Insurance companies have been
wrestling with this question by their claimants for
many years. Does your insurance company pay for diminished
value? Has your car diminished in value because of
the repairs required by an accident? How do you know?
You don’t, but we do. DC&A is your local
diminished value professional. We make it our business
to know. We attend auto auctions nationwide, to gather
information on cars sold that have sustained accident
damage. We then compare the sale price of these damaged
and repaired vehicles to the sale price of those that
have not been in an accident. This use of comparables
gives us a percentage of loss of value for each type
of automobile. The results tell the story.
During a recent 2007-Southern Ontario dealer survey,
conducted by DC&A, we found that dealers diminished
a car’s value by 15% to 50% because it had been
involved in an accident requiring significant repairs.
Even though repairs have been made properly, there
is a loss of value due to inherent diminished value.
Should repairs be done poorly, and not up to industry
standards, there may be additional repair related
diminished value.
What are some of the factors that cause diminished
value? Some of these factors, but not all are:
- Overall percentage of damage to the
car versus its original value.
- Year, make or model.
- Any frame damage.
- Use of non-OEM parts. Parts
that are not the original parts placed on the car
by the manufacturer.
What does this mean for you? The diminution
of value is the difference between what your car was
worth before the accident and after the repair. Let
DC&A help you determine your car’s diminished
value. Our fee for this service is $375. Mileage of
50 cents per km may apply.
Total Loss:
When a vehicle has been declared a "Total Loss",
DC&A can help to independently establish the value
of the vehicle at the time of loss. Our fee for this
service is $375. Mileage of 50 cents per km may apply.
Bank Loan Value:
To establish the true market value of the vehicle
you are planning to buy, banks, credit unions and
individual lenders may require an independent appraisal.
Prompt attention is given to your appraisal needs
and appraisal reports may be faxed directly to your
lender upon your request. Our fees for this service
start at $195 and include a 2-3 business day turn
around time. Mileage of 50 cents per km may apply.